Dietmar, PharmaKorell’s IT representative and team assistant, was given a well-deserved farewell into retirement at the end of June. He could have retired at the end of 2023 but chose to work one day a week during the first half of 2024 to ensure his successor had an optimal induction period. We are very grateful for his dedication and will miss him greatly. It was wonderful that he could join us for our summer team outing and that we will see him again at our Christmas dinner.

Dietmar began working at PharmaKorell in 2018. As an IT representative and team assistant, he made a significant contribution to the success of our company and our great working environment.

We took this opportunity to ask Dietmar a few questions about his upcoming retirement.

How do you feel now that retirement has begun?

I can hardly believe it yet – in the office, you are tasked with various duties, sometimes dealing with unforeseen events, and I am looking forward to some peace and quiet now.

What were your highlights at PharmaKorell?

One highlight was certainly the introduction of Projektron software. I started at PK just before Projektron was introduced and managed the project from the beginning. Other highlights include the move to the new building, the opening of the Munich office, and, of course, the after-work barbecues.

Is there something you’ve always wanted to do but never had the time due to work?

I will definitely go on a few trips with my wife and spend more time in nature.

What will you miss most about work?

Definitely my colleagues. I always enjoyed going to the office and seeing and supporting my colleagues. I will miss them.

Do you already have plans for your retirement?

I don’t have any concrete plans. A lot depends on my personal circumstances.

Are there any hobbies or interests you want to devote more time to?

We have a large garden. I will certainly spend more time there and I have resolved to do more sports. We’ll see if the good intentions hold.

Do you plan to travel?

If so, where do you want to go first?
My first trip will probably be to Cyprus or Thailand.

Thank you, Dietmar. We wish you all the best and lots of fun!