
Workshop company values

What are our company values at PharmaKorell? That was one of the questions we tackled at our recent off-site at our new location in Munich.

Every team lives certain values but we´ve never consciously aligned on these values or made them visible. Up until now!
Our colleague Cora professionally guided us through the workshop with a lot of sensibility, flexibility and passion. We´re looking forward to sharing the final results with you soon.


Welcome to the team!

As the 25th team member, Dr. Silke Litzinger is snatching the limelight today. Welcome to the team! We feel honoured to have you. Silke is joining us as a senior consultant at our new branch in Munich.

Over to you Silke, what are you looking forward to at PharmaKorell?

“I’m looking forward to being exposed to a variety of projects, getting to know different pharmaceutical companies and working closely with my new team. I am excited to contribute my experience and knowledge to the growth of PharmaKorell and the success of our clients”.


QP batch release of blood products

PharmaKorell is now licenced to perform QP batch release and certification of blood products for the EU market. The first blood product is already listed on our Manufacturing and Import License - further products could be added. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information!


PharmaKorell from July 1st in Munich!

Our office is in the newly built Bender-Campus at Schleißheimer Strasse 373 on the 3rd floor, across from BMW Group Research and Innovation Center (FIZ). We still have space for more team members and look forward to every qualified application!


NEW: Primary Packaging in Clean-Room Environment

PharmaKorell is now offering primary packaging and sampling of solid dosage forms and APIs under clean-room conditions. Air quality is according to EU GMP Guide Annex 1 Class A (particles) and Class D (microbiology). The qualified pharma work bench is operated in a hygiene zone in our new building. Please find our amended Manufacturing License and GMP Certificate in the CERTIFICATES section.

We are happy to provide a quotation!



new PharmaKorell building_1200x900

Change of Business Address in Autumn 2020

Lörrach, in December 2019


Dear Business Partners,

We are happy to announce that PharmaKorell GmbH will move to a new, much larger office end of August 2020.

From September 1st, 2020, our new business address will be

Georges-Köhler-Str. 2, 79539 Lörrach, Germany

Our future address ist just 200 meters away from our current location. As the current address, our future address is locatied in the City of Lörrach in the Innovation Quarter for Life Sciences and IT. Georges Köhler lived in Lörrach from 1976 until 1981 and won the Nobel Prize in Medicine, in the field of immunology an monoclonal antibodies.

Please find enclosed a current photo of our construction site. The top floor will be designed and furnished according to the needs of the growing PharmaKorell team. In addition, PharmaKorell GmbH has some storage space on the ground floor, with the facilities to sample and dispense Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients and Drug Products under clean-room conditions.

The remaining office space is offered for rent to other businesses, not limited to Life Science and IT companies. As of today, approx. 800 square meters office space have not been reserved yet. For more information please see the website Loerrko Immobilien.

For PharmaKorell’s customers, we also rent out individual offices of approx. 20 square meters. These offices may be useful for small companies and for companies that need dedicated, locked office space for obtaining their own Manufacturing, Import or Wholesale Dealer’s License. We also offer mailboxes including mail processing and other services for our customers who just need an active address in the EU, e.g. for Application for Marketing Authorizations.

The new address Georges-Köhler-Str. 2, 79539 Lörrach, Germany can be used from now on: As you see on the picture, there is a letterbox checked daily, and a notice that larger deliveries should be delivered to the current PharmaKorell office nearby (see also additional information about our services).

We shall maintain our current address Marie-Curie-Str. 8, 79539 Lörrach, Germany, at least until the end of 2020. Please do not hesitate to contact us asap in case that the discontinuation of the address Marie-Curie-Str. 8 by end of 2020 should be a problem for your projects or in case of other questions.

Finally, let me wish you a wonderful Christmas and Holiday Season and a Happy New Year 2020!

With best regards from Lörrach

Ulrich Korell

Headquarter Lörrach

PharmaKorell GmbH
Georges-Köhler-Str. 2
79539 Lörrach

Tel. +49 7621 949860



We support the work of Pharmacists Without Borders Germany e.V.



We support the foundation outpatient children hospice Munich.

Branch office Munich

PharmaKorell GmbH
Schleißheimer Str. 373
80935 München

Tel. +49 89 24883410

Contact in Switzerland

PharmaKorell GmbH
Lörracherstrasse 60
4125 Riehen/Basel

Tel. +41 79 1396748