Dr. Matthias Barth: From a PhD geologist to Lead Auditor and Senior Consultant

Following the successful completion of auditor training, which comprised an external course and participation in ten GMP audits, we are pleased to announce the promotion of Dr. Matthias Barth to the role of Lead Auditor and Senior Consultant.

Originating from the field of geology, he earned his Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) from the esteemed Harvard University.

Upon completing his studies in the USA, Dr. Barth initially worked in analytics before transitioning into the realm of medical technology (ISO 13485).

Since 2019, Matthias has been a consultant at PharmaKorell GmbH, specialising in quality assurance, quality control, and warehousing/logistics. His promotion underscores his unwavering commitment and professional expertise.

Headquarter Lörrach

PharmaKorell GmbH
Georges-Köhler-Str. 2
79539 Lörrach

Tel. +49 7621 949860



We support the work of Pharmacists Without Borders Germany e.V.



We support the foundation outpatient children hospice Munich.

Branch office Munich

PharmaKorell GmbH
Schleißheimer Str. 373
80935 München

Tel. +49 89 24883410

Contact in Switzerland

PharmaKorell GmbH
Lörracherstrasse 60
4125 Riehen/Basel

Tel. +41 79 1396748