Making & Distributing Pharmaceuticals: We will be attending the following events

We are excited to participate in the Making & Distributing Pharmaceuticals exhibition in Coventry this April. Amongst other topics, our involvement enables us to learn firsthand about the latest developments and challenges of 3D printing in pharmaceutical production.

Ensuring quality and compliance when using this revolutionary technology in the pharmaceutical environment is a fascinating topic. We are eager to engage with other GMP experts who are also professionally involved in this field.

We will be attending the following events:

29 April

8:45 AM A Journey to the Wonderful World of 3D Printing CITRS Prof. Dimitrios Lamprou

9:30 AM 3D Printed Personalised Medications at the Point of Care Prof. Dennis Douroumis

10:00 AM On Demand 3D Printing of Pharmaceuticals Atheer Awad

2:00 PM MHRA Regulatory & Compliance Trends, and Industry Challenges from an MHRA Perspective Peter Brown

30 April

10:00 AM Panel Discussion: Northern Ireland Pharma Supply Chain and the Windsor Framework. Sean Curley, Brian Anderton, Robert Hardy, Peter Brown

Headquarter Lörrach

PharmaKorell GmbH
Georges-Köhler-Str. 2
79539 Lörrach

Tel. +49 7621 949860



We support the work of Pharmacists Without Borders Germany e.V.



We support the foundation outpatient children hospice Munich.

Branch office Munich

PharmaKorell GmbH
Schleißheimer Str. 373
80935 München

Tel. +49 89 24883410

Contact in Switzerland

PharmaKorell GmbH
Lörracherstrasse 60
4125 Riehen/Basel

Tel. +41 79 1396748